Treeview Complex component

This chapter discusses the following components

Tree view

The component enables you to visualize a hierarchical data structure in a tree view on the interface. The component is capable of selecting, expanding and collapsing individual nodes (items).

The component has a default renderer, that allows the the treeview item icon, component, name or label to be specified, but it is also possible to create a custom renderer that uses custom components to visualize a TreeView. Thus, a simple or complex tree can be displayed, in which the data hierarchy is visualized.

The component’s contents may be programmatically specified or automatically using a DataDescriptor. In this case the tree data originates from a DataDescriptor and is displayed based on individual parameter settings.

Supported events:

Show, Hide, Animation, Click, MouseEvents, Scroll, Touch, Drag&Drop

Style customization


Default value

Derived value

Computed value


$treeview-bg-color $white $treeview-bg-color-->$white-->#fff #fff Treeview background color.
$treeview-item-bg-color-hover $highlight-color $treeview-item-bg-color-hover-->$highlight-color-->#eefaff #eefaff Treeview item hover background color.
$treeview-item-bg-color-selected $light $treeview-item-bg-color-selected-->$light-->mix(#f8f9fa, #e9ecef, 50%) mix(#f8f9fa, #e9ecef, 50%) Treeview selected item background color.
$treeview-color inherit inherit Treeview item text color.
$treeview-folder-color $yellow $treeview-folder-color-->$yellow-->#ffc107 #ffc107 Treeview folder color.
$treeview-folder-font-size $font-size-base * 1.45 $treeview-folder-font-size-->$font-size-base * 1.45-->0.8125rem * 1.45 1,178125rem Treeview folder font size.
$treeview-folder-margin-right $spacer * 0.5 $treeview-folder-margin-right-->$spacer * 0.5-->1rem * 0.5 0.5rem Treeview folder margin to the right from the name.
$treeview-border 1px solid $border-color $treeview-border-->1px solid $border-color-->1px solid $gray-200-->1px solid #e9ecef 1px solid #e9ecef Treeview frame.
$treeview-icon-font-family FontAwesome FontAwesome Treeview icon font type.
$treeview-border-radius $border-radius $treeview-border-radius-->$border-radius-->0.25rem 0.25rem Treeview frame corners rounding radius.
$treeview-padding ($spacer * 0.5) $spacer $treeview-padding-->($spacer * 0.5) $spacer-->(1rem * 0.5) 1rem (0.5rem) 1rem Treeview padding.
$treeview-margin-bottom $spacer $treeview-margin-bottom-->$spacer-->1rem 1rem Treeview margin.
$treeview-line 1px solid $border-color $treeview-line-->1px solid $border-color-->1px solid $gray-200-->1px solid #e9ecef 1px solid #e9ecef Treeview lines.
$treeview-node-opener-font-size $font-size-base * 1.2 $treeview-node-opener-font-size-->$font-size-base * 1.2-->1.2rem 1.2rem Treeview node opening icon size.
$treeview-node-opener-color $gray-700 $treeview-node-opener-color-->$gray-700-->#495057 #495057 Treeview node opening icon color.
$treeview-node-opener-font-weight $font-weight-normal 400 Treeview node opening icon font weight.
$treeview-node-opener-icon-size $font-size-base * 1.5 $treeview-node-opener-icon-size → $font-size-base * 1.5 1.5 rem
$treeview-checkbox-icon-size $treeview-node-opener-icon-size $treeview-checkbox-icon-size-->$treeview-node-opener-icon-size-->1.22rem 1.22rem
$treeview-checkbox-icon-font-size $font-size-base 1rem Treeview checkbox checked icon size.
$treeview-checkbox-icon-color $gray-700 $treeview-checkbox-icon-color-->$gray-700-->#495057 #495057 Treeview checkbox checked icon color.
$treeview-checkbox-border 1px solid $gray-400 $treeview-checkbox-border-->1px solid $gray-400--> 1px solid #ced4da Treeview checkbox frame.
$treeview-checkbox-bg-color $white $treeview-checkbox-bg-color-->$white-->#fff #fff Treeview checkbox background color.
$treeview-checkbox-border-radius $border-radius $treeview-checkbox-border-radius-->$border-radius-->0.25rem 0.25rem Treeview checkbox frame corners rounding radius.
$treeview-element-margin-left $spacer * 0.25 $treeview-element-margin-left-->$spacer * 0.25-->1rem * 0.25 0.25rem Treeview item left margin from checkbox.
$treeview-element-border-radius $border-radius $treeview-element-border-radius-->$border-radius-->0.25rem 0.25rem Treeview item corners rounding radius.
$treeview-element-font-size $font-size-base $treeview-element-font-size-->$font-size-base-->0.8125rem 0.8125rem Treeview item font size.


A component representing a node in the treeview component The component is not intended for standalone use, it can only be inserted into the Treeview as node of the tree.

Supported events:

Show, Hide, Animation, Focus, Click, MouseEvents, Scroll, Touch, HotKey, Drag&Drop

Style customization


Default value

Derived value

Computed value



$font-size-base * 1.2

$treeview-node-opener-font-size-->$font-size-base * 1.2-->1.2rem


Treeview node opening icon size.





Treeview node opening icon color.

$treeview-node-opener-font-weight $font-weight-normal 400 Treeview node opening icon font weight.


$font-size-base * 1.5 -


Treeview node opening icon size.

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