JBStrap ui

The JBStrap framework handles not only pages, but UIs as well. These UI classes represent user interfaces in the application, that do not, or only rarely change, so the contents of these interfaces do not have to be sent out after every navigation event. For example, if the navigation within the application leads to a page that has the same UI, only the page content is updated, the UI remains the same. However, if the UI is different, it is replaced with the correct one. Usually navigation menus are placed on the UI, but any component can be added to it.


The UI object allows the use of a special application icon called the LiveFavicon. With this, we can display information that is relevant for the user, such as the number of unread messages, notifications, etc. This favicon can have its content, color and background color customized.

Displaying „5” on the application’s icon, in a bubble, using the Live favicon:


The UI has two visibility levels, a public and private one. Public UIs are visible to every user, even if they are not logged in. It is recommended that certain pages, such as the login page or the landing page are placed on a Public UI.

Private UIs are only visible for logged in users. Access can be further limited by using user roles, which are detailed on the Access Control and Security page. Certain UIs, if not annotated otherwise, will be interpreted as private UIs.

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