
RESTful web services are lightweight, highly scalable, maintainable and are often used to create APIs for web-based applications.

The REST server provides connectivity to resources, which helps the client to access and update resources. The resources are recognized by the URIs. The REST API creates a variety of outputs to represent a resource, such as JSON. REST architecture-oriented web services are called RESTful web services.

The REST architecture makes use of four commonly used HTTP methods.

GET This method helps in offering read-only access for the resources.
POST This method is implemented for creating a new resource or to update a previously created resource.
DELETE This method is implemented for removing a resource.
PUT This method is implemented for updating an existing resource or creating a fresh one.

REST Web services follow four basic design principles:

  • Uses HTTP methods explicitly.
  • Stateless.
  • Exposes directory structure-like URIs.
  • Transfer JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), XML or both.

If you want to use Rest client in your application, do not forget to enable Rest plugin! More info: Rest Plugin