Daterangepicker Formitem component

This component allows the user to pick a date range. The component guarantees that only valid date ranges can be picked (correctly formatted, has valid maximum and minimum dates and the minimum date is less or equal to the maximum date).

The component displays an input field for the user, that when clicked, will open two drop down calendars. The left side calendar will allow the user to pick a starting date, the right side calendar will allow the user to pick the ending date. The user can also type in a date, but if it is not in the correct format, the component will revert back to its default value.

The component also allows the use of predefined date ranges, which the user can chose by its name (Previous month, week etc). This makes it easier for the user to input frequently used date ranges. These predefined ranges can be added by using the DateRangePicker.addPredefinedRange(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.util.Date, java.util.Date) method.

Supported events:

Show, Hide, Change, Focus, Animations, Edit, Click, KeyboardEvents, MouseEvents, Touch, HotKey, Drag&Drop

Style customization


Default value

Derived value

Computed value


$date-picker-active-day-bg-color $primary $date-picker-active-day-bg-color-->$primary-->#079e97 #079e97 Background color for a selected day.
$date-picker-active-day-border 1px solid transparent 1px solid transparent Frame settings for a selected day.
$date-picker-active-day-color $white $date-picker-active-day-color-->$white-->#fff #fff Label color for a selected day.
$date-picker-active-range-bg-color $highlight-color $date-picker-active-range-bg-color-->$highlight-color-->#eefaff #eefaff Interval background color for a selected day.
$date-picker-active-range-color $gray-500 $date-picker-active-range-color-->$gray-500-->#adb5bd #adb5bd Interval color for a selected day.
$date-picker-bg-color $white $date-picker-bg-color-->$white-->#fff #fff Component background color.
$date-picker-border-color $border-color $date-picker-border-color-->$border-color-->#e9ecef #e9ecef Frame color for the outermost component.
$date-picker-buttons-bg-color $date-picker-bg-color $date-picker-buttons-bg-color-->$date-picker-bg-color-->#fff #fff Background color for the container encasing the buttons.
$date-picker-buttons-border-top-color $border-color $date-picker-buttons-border-top-color-->$border-color-->#e9ecef #e9ecef Color of the separating element between DatePicker and buttons.
$date-picker-buttons-border-top-width 1px 1px Width of the separating element between DatePicker and buttons.
$date-picker-caret-border-color $gray-400 $date-picker-caret-border-color-->$gray-400-->#ced4da #ced4da Component’s small arrow (pointing to the input field) frame color.
$date-picker-caret-color $white $date-picker-caret-color-->$white-->#fff #fff Component’s small arrow (pointing to the input field) color.
$date-picker-day-off-bg-color $white $date-picker-day-off-bg-color-->$white-->#fff #fff Background color for days outside or within a range.
$date-picker-day-off-color $gray-500 $date-picker-day-off-color-->$gray-500-->#adb5bd #adb5bd Label color for days outside or within a range.
$date-picker-disabled-color $gray-500 $date-picker-disabled-color-->$gray-500-->#adb5bd #adb5bd Color for disabled components.
$date-picker-font-family arial arial Font used.
$date-picker-hover-bg-color $gray-200 $date-picker-hover-bg-color-->$gray-200-->#e9ecef #e9ecef Hover background color for a day.
$date-picker-next-color $input-color $date-picker-next-color-->$input-color-->#495057 #495057 Increment arrow color.
$date-picker-selected-text-color inherit inherit VARIABLE NOT USED
$date-picker-selected-text-font-size $font-size-base $date-picker-selected-text-font-size-->$font-size-base-->1rem 1rem Label size for a selected date.
$date-picker-selected-text-padding-right $spacer * 0.6 $date-picker-selected-text-padding-right-->$spacer * 0.6-->1rem * 0.6 0.6rem Spacing to the right of a selected label from the buttons.
$date-picker-table-bg-color $date-picker-bg-color $date-picker-table-bg-color-->$date-picker-bg-color-->#fff #fff Background color for a month.
$date-picker-table-border-color $white $date-picker-table-border-color-->$white-->#fff #fff Frame color surrounding a month.
$date-picker-time-bg-color $gray-200 $date-picker-time-bg-color-->$gray-200-->#e9ecef #e9ecef Time display background color.
$date-picker-time-border-color $gray-200 $date-picker-time-border-color-->$gray-200-->#e9ecef #e9ecef Time display frame color.
$date-picker-time-color inherit inherit Time display text color.
$date-picker-today-bg-color $light $date-picker-today-bg-color-->$light-->mix(#f8f9fa, #e9ecef, 50%) mix(#f8f9fa, #e9ecef, 50%) Today’s color.
$date-picker-today-border $date-picker-active-day-border $date-picker-today-border-->$date-picker-active-day-border-->1px solid transparent 1px solid transparent Today’s frame color.
$date-picker-today-color $primary $date-picker-today-color-->$primary-->#079e97 #079e97 Today’s text color.

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