JBStrap DataDescriptor editor types

Editor types define the way data is visualized in the UI. You can include them in DataDescriptors. An editor type is an input component used to provide values for forms and the ListGrid filters. If a form or ListGrid component is built on a DataDescriptor, the DataDescriptor determines the editor types for the input fields. If you modify the editorType attribute in the DataDescriptor, you change how data is displayed in the UI.

Default editor types

If the editorType attribute value is left unspecified, the editor type is automatically determined based on the data type. In the below table, you can find default editor types based on the DataDescriptor column type.

Column type (database)

Column type (DataDescriptor)

Default editor type

Text String Varchar Varchar2 Clob Char Character TEXT TextEditor
Integer Int BigInt INTEGER IntegerEditor





Date DATE DatePicker
Datetime Timestamp DATETIME


Boolean Bool BOOLEAN Checkbox

You can set different editor types from the ones automatically determined. E.g. the below code sample, an Integer editor type is specified:


The TextEditor displays a TextItem component on the user interface. The editor processes the following column parameters:

  • placeholder: The text specified here will be used as the placeholder text
  • size: Specifies the size of the editor component. Default: FormItemSize.NORMAL
  • state: Specifies the state of the editor component on the interface. Default: FormItemState.DEFAULT
  • defaultValue: Specifies the default value of the editor
  • readOnly: Determines if the editor component is read-only when displayed. It only accepts logic values. Default: false
  • enabled: Determines if the component is enabled or disabled when displayed. If disabled, the user cannot use the component. Default: true
  • help: Determines the help text, that is displayed if the user mouses over the help button. If not specified, the help button won’t be displayed either.
  • helpIcon: This determines the icon of the help button. Default: Icon.QUESTION (a question mark)
  • description: The text specified here will be displayed under the editor component, as a description. If not specified, no description will be used
  • tabIndex: The value specified here will be used as the component’s tab index. This determines the order of the editor components when the user presses the tab key. By default, this is the same as the column order
  • mask: The component’s mask can be specified here. By default, none is used.
  • forceTextArea: Logic value, which determines if the component can be switched to text area mode. By default, if the character limit is less or equal to 255, a simple, single-line text item will be used. If more than 255 characters, a text area will be used. If set to true, the text area will be used, regardless of the character count.


The IntegerEditor editor type displays an IntegerItem component. The editor processes the following column parameters:

  • placeholder: The text specified here will be used as the placeholder text
  • size: Specifies the size of the editor component. Default: FormItemSize.NORMAL
  • state: Specifies the state of the editor component on the interface. Default: FormItemState.DEFAULT
  • defaultValue: Specifies the default value of the editor
  • readOnly: Determines if the editor component is read-only when displayed. It only accepts logic values. Default: false
  • enabled: Determines if the component is enabled or disabled when displayed. If disabled, the user cannot use the component. Default: true
  • help: Determines the help text, that is displayed if the user mouses over the help button. If not specified, the help button won’t be displayed either.
  • helpIcon: This determines help button icon. Default: Icon.QUESTION (a question mark)
  • description: The text specified here will be displayed under the editor component, as a description. If not specified, no description will be used.
  • tabIndex: The value specified here will be used as the component’s tab index. This determines the order of the editor components when the user presses the tab key. By default, this is the same as the column order
  • minValue: The minimum value that the component can take. If not specified, there will be no minimum limit.
  • maxValue: The maximum value that the component can take. If not specified, there will be no maximum limit.
  • step: Determines the step value. This means that if the user presses a value increment changer button, the value will be changed by the amount specified here. If not specified, the value will be 1.
  • buttonupClass: A custom style class can be assigned here, to the increment increasing (up) button.
  • buttondownClass: A custom style class can be assigned here, to the decrement (down) button.
  • touchspinPrefix: The value specified here will be placed in front of the input field, as a prefix.
  • prefixExtraclass: A custom style class of the prefix can be specified here.
  • touchspinPostfix: The value specified here will be placed in after the input field, as a post-fix.
  • postfixExtraclass: A custom style class of the post-fix can be specified here.
  • verticalButtons: Logic value, determines if the buttons are displayed vertically or horizontally. By default, the buttons are displayed before and after the input field. If set to true, the buttons will be after the field, under each other.
  • mousewheel: Logic value, determines if the mouse wheel can be used to increase or decrease the value of the component. By default this is false.


The DecimalEditor editor type displays a NumberItem component. The editor will process the following column parameters:

  • placeholder: The text specified here will be used as the placeholder text
  • size: Specifies the size of the editor component. Default: FormItemSize.NORMAL
  • state: Specifies the state of the editor component on the interface. Default: FormItemState.DEFAULT
  • defaultValue: Specifies the default value of the editor
  • readOnly: Determines if the editor component is read-only when displayed. It only accepts logic values. Default: false
  • enabled: Determines if the component is enabled or disabled when displayed. If disabled, the user cannot use the component. Default: true
  • help: Determines the help text, that is displayed if the user mouses over the help button. If not specified, the help button won’t be displayed either.
  • helpIcon: This determines the icon of the help button. Default: Icon.QUESTION (a question mark)
  • description: The text specified here will be displayed under the editor component, as a description. If not specified, no description will be used.
  • tabIndex: The value specified here will be used as the component’s tab index. This determines the order of the editor components when the user presses the tab key. By default, this is the same as the column order
  • minValue: The minimum value that the component can take. If not specified, there will be no minimum limit.
  • maxValue: The maximum value that the component can take. If not specified, there will be no maximum limit.
  • step: Determines the step value. This means that if the user presses a value increment changer button, the value will be changed by the amount specified here. If not specified, the value will be 0.1.
  • buttonupClass: A custom style class can be assigned here, to the increment increasing (up) button.
  • buttondownClass: A custom style class can be assigned here, to the decrement (down) button.
  • touchspinPrefix: The value specified here will be placed in front of the input field, as a prefix.
  • prefixExtraclass: A custom style class of the prefix can be specified here.
  • touchspinPostfix: The value specified here will be placed in after the input field, as a post-fix.
  • postfixExtraclass: A custom style class of the post-fix can be specified here.
  • verticalButtons: Logic value, determines if the buttons are displayed vertically or horizontally. By default, the buttons are displayed before and after the input field. If set to true, the buttons will be after the field, under each other.
  • mousewheel: Logic value, determines if the mouse wheel can be used to increase or decrease the value of the component. By default this is false.


The DatePicker editor type displays a DatePicker component. The editor will process the following column parameters:

  • placeholder: The text specified here will be used as the placeholder text
  • size: Specifies the size of the editor component. Default: FormItemSize.NORMAL
  • state: Specifies the state of the editor component on the interface. Default: FormItemState.DEFAULT
  • defaultValue: Specifies the default value of the editor
  • readOnly: Determines if the editor component is read-only when displayed. It only accepts logic values. Default: false
  • enabled: Determines if the component is enabled or disabled when displayed. If disabled, the user cannot use the component. Default: true
  • help: Determines the help text, that is displayed if the user mouses over the help button. If not specified, the help button won’t be displayed either.
  • helpIcon: This determines the icon of the help button. Default: Icon.QUESTION (a question mark)
  • description: The text specified here will be displayed under the editor component, as a description. If not specified, no description will be used.
  • tabIndex: The value specified here will be used as the component’s tab index. This determines the order of the editor components when the user presses the tab key. By default, this is the same as the column order
  • dateFormat: Determines the date format used in the component. The default format can be set in the DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT JBStrap parameter.


The DateTimePicker editor type displays a DatePicker component. The editor will process the following column parameters:

  • placeholder: The text specified here will be used as the placeholder text
  • size: Specifies the size of the editor component. Default: FormItemSize.NORMAL
  • state: Specifies the state of the editor component on the interface. Default: FormItemState.DEFAULT
  • defaultValue: Specifies the default value of the editor
  • readOnly: Determines if the editor component is read-only when displayed. It only accepts logic values. Default: false
  • enabled: Determines if the component is enabled or disabled when displayed. If disabled, the user cannot use the component. Default: true
  • help: Determines the help text, that is displayed if the user mouses over the help button. If not specified, the help button won’t be displayed either.
  • helpIcon: This determines the icon of the help button. Default: Icon.QUESTION (a question mark)
  • description: The text specified here will be displayed under the editor component, as a description. If not specified, no description will be used.
  • tabIndex: The value specified here will be used as the component’s tab index. This determines the order of the editor components when the user presses the tab key. By default, this is the same as the column order
  • dateFormat: Determines the date format used in the component. The default format can be set in the DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT JBStrap parameter.


The Combobox editor type displays a ComboboxItem component. The editor will process the following column parameters:

  • placeholder: The text specified here will be used as the placeholder text
  • size: Specifies the size of the editor component. Default: FormItemSize.NORMAL
  • state: Specifies the state of the editor component on the interface. Default: FormItemState.DEFAULT
  • defaultValue: Specifies the default value of the editor
  • readOnly: Determines if the editor component is read-only when displayed. It only accepts logic values. Default: false
  • enabled: Determines if the component is enabled or disabled when displayed. If disabled, the user cannot use the component. Default: true
  • help: Determines the help text, that is displayed if the user mouses over the help button. If not specified, the help button won’t be displayed either.
  • helpIcon: This determines the icon of the help button. Default: Icon.QUESTION (a question mark)
  • description: The text specified here will be displayed under the editor component, as a description. If not specified, no description will be used.
  • tabIndex: The value specified here will be used as the component’s tab index. This determines the order of the editor components when the user presses the tab key. By default, this is the same as the column order
  • multiple: Determines if the combo-box is in multi-select mode. By default, it is set to false, the combo-box allows only a single selection. If set to true, the combo-box will be in multi-select mode.
  • allowNull: Determines if the combo-box can take a null value. If its set to false, the user won’t be able to delete the value, and if the user edits the component , the first value will be selected automatically. , the combo-box won’t accept a null value, if it is based on a DataDescriptor column that also cannot accept a null value.
  • nullData: The value specified here will be used, when the combo-box takes a null value (e.g. the user deletes it). This will be applied and saved to the database.
  • nullText: The text specified here will be used on the interface, if the user deletes the value from the combo-box or if the combo-box is empty. If not specified, the combo-box will be empty if it takes a null value.
  • dataDescriptor: The name of the , or must be assigned to the component programmatically. When specified, the combobox will query the values automatically from the database.
  • dataColumn: The name of the DataDescriptor column which will be used to store values can be specified here. Meaning that the values here will be used as the component values. These will be applied to the database when saving as well. The column, specified here, must exist in the DataDescriptor, which was specified in the DataDescriptor parameter.
  • displayColumn: The DataDescriptor column specified in this parameter contains the display values that will be used by the combobox. Multiple columns can be specified here, if you separate the column names with commas (e.g Display1, Display2, etc.). These values will be used, in the same order as in the columns.
  • displayColumnSeparator: The display column separator can be specified here. This is used, when multiple display columns are specified and are used on the interface. By default, this is an empty string, so the display values will be right next to each other.
  • criteria: A filter criteria that will be applied when the combo-box values are queried can be specified here. By default, there is none applied, so every value is used in the combo-box. If a criteria is specified, only values that meet this criteria are used as values in the combo-box.
  • autoFetch: Determines if the combo-box has auto fetch enabled or not. If false, the combo-box won’t query the values, the programmer must implement it using the fetchData() method of the component.
  • multiValueJoinTable: If multi-select is enabled, this is where the one-to-many join table name can be specified. The name of the table must be specified as it appears in the database, as the many-to-many relation is independent of the JPA. The data table specified here does not require its own entity to be created.
  • multiValueRecordColumn: This parameter ensures that the records that is to be saved is connected to the primary key or keys. The name of the join column in the join table must be specified here. If the record has a complex key, then every key field must have its own field specified from the join table, separated by commas. If the record that is to be saved and the join table is not to be joined by the record’s primary key, then this must be implemented here. This is done by specifying the column from the join table, then putting a ’=’ character, then the name of the record attribute whose value is to be inserted into the column (column=recordAttribute). Multiple can be specified here as well, separating them with a comma.
  • multiValueValueColumn: The join table column specified here will be used to store the component value. If multiple values are selected by the user, then multiple values will be saved to the join table. If the user deletes a value from the component, then the corresponding record will be deleted from the join table. The name of the column must be specified, as it appears in the database.
  • multiValueExtendValues: If you want to store additional data in the join table, use this parameter. If the data that you want to save is a static value, it can be saved by specifying the name of the join table column, where it is to be saved, then placing a ’=’, then the value (column=123 or column=ABC). If the value you want to save is not static, you can use the attribute of the record that you wish to save, like this: ’column=${recordAttribute}. In this case, the value of the recordAttribute will be saved to the column.


The Checkbox editor type displays a CheckboxItem component. The editor will process the following column parameters:

  • placeholder: The text specified here will be used as the placeholder text
  • size: Specifies the size of the editor component. Default: FormItemSize.NORMAL
  • state: Specifies the state of the editor component on the interface. Default: FormItemState.DEFAULT
  • defaultValue: Specifies the default value of the editor
  • readOnly: Determines if the editor component is read-only when displayed. It only accepts logic values. Default: false
  • enabled: Determines if the component is enabled or disabled when displayed. If disabled, the user cannot use the component. Default: true
  • help: Determines the help text, that is displayed if the user mouses over the help button. If not specified, the help button won’t be displayed either.
  • helpIcon: This determines the icon of the help button. Default: Icon.QUESTION (a question mark)
  • description: The text specified here will be displayed under the editor component, as a description. If not specified, no description will be used.
  • tabIndex: The value specified here will be used as the component’s tab index. This determines the order of the editor components when the user presses the tab key. By default, this is the same as the column order
  • type: This parameter allows you to set the type of check box that appears. Default value: CheckboxType.DEFAULT
  • shape: Determines the shape of the checkbox square. Default: ChekcboxShape.DEFAULT


The Password editor type displays a PasswordItem component. The editor will process the following column parameters:

  • placeholder: The text specified here will be used as the placeholder text
  • size: Specifies the size of the editor component. Default: FormItemSize.NORMAL
  • state: Specifies the state of the editor component on the interface. Default: FormItemState.DEFAULT
  • defaultValue: Specifies the default value of the editor
  • readOnly: Determines if the editor component is read-only when displayed. It only accepts logic values. Default: false
  • enabled: Determines if the component is enabled or disabled when displayed. If disabled, the user cannot use the component. Default: true
  • help: Determines the help text, that is displayed if the user mouses over the help button. If not specified, the help button won’t be displayed either.
  • helpIcon: This determines the icon of the help button. Default: Icon.QUESTION (a question mark)
  • description: The text specified here will be displayed under the editor component, as a description. If not specified, no description will be used.
  • tabIndex: The value specified here will be used as the component’s tab index. This determines the order of the editor components when the user presses the tab key. By default, this is the same as the column order
  • forceTextArea: A logic value determining if the component can be switched to text area mode. By default, if the character limit is less or equal to 255, a simple, single-line text item will be used. If more than 255 characters, a text area will be used. If set to true, the text area will be used, regardless of the character count.


The RadioButton editor type displays a RadioButtonItem component. The editor will process the following column parameters:

  • placeholder: The text specified here will be used as the placeholder text
  • size: Specifies the size of the editor component. Default: FormItemSize.NORMAL
  • state: Specifies the state of the editor component on the interface. Default: FormItemState.DEFAULT
  • defaultValue: Specifies the default value of the editor
  • readOnly: Determines if the editor component is read-only when displayed. It only accepts logic values. Default: false
  • enabled: Determines if the component is enabled or disabled when displayed. If disabled, the user cannot use the component. Default: true
  • help: Determines the help text, that is displayed if the user mouses over the help button. If not specified, the help button won’t be displayed either.
  • helpIcon: This determines the icon of the help button. Default: Icon.QUESTION (a question mark)
  • description: The text specified here will be displayed under the editor component, as a description. If not specified, no description will be used.
  • tabIndex: The value specified here will be used as the component’s tab index. This determines the order of the editor components when the user presses the tab key. By default, this is the same as the column order
  • dataDescriptor: The name of the , or must be assigned to the component programmatically. When specified, the component will query the values automatically from the database.
  • dataColumn: The name of the DataDescriptor column which will be used to store values can be specified here. Meaning that the values here will be used as the component values. These will be applied to the database when saving as well. The column, specified here, must exist in the DataDescriptor, which was specified in the DataDescriptor parameter.
  • displayColumn: The DataDescriptor column specified in this parameter contains the display values that will be used by the component. Multiple columns can be specified here, if you separate the column names with commas (e.g Display1, Display2, etc.). These values will be used, in the same order as in the columns.
  • displayColumnSeparator: The display column separator can be specified here. This is used, when multiple display columns are specified and are used on the interface. By default, this is an empty string, so display values will be right next to each other.
  • criteria: A filter criteria that will be applied when the radio button values are queried can be specified here. By default, there is none applied, so every value is used in the component. If a Criteria is specified, only values that meet this criteria are used as values in the combo-box.
  • autoFetch: Determines if the combo-box has auto fetch enabled or not. If false, the combo-box won’t query the values, the programmer must implement it using the fetchData() method of the component.
  • inline: Determines if the checkboxes appear next to each other (true) or under each other (false). Default value is false.


The File editor type displays a FileItem component. The editor will process the following column parameters:

  • placeholder: The text specified here will be used as the placeholder text
  • size: Specifies the size of the editor component. Default: FormItemSize.NORMAL
  • state: Specifies the state of the editor component on the interface. Default: FormItemState.DEFAULT
  • defaultValue: Specifies the default value of the editor
  • readOnly: Determines if the editor component is read-only when displayed. It only accepts logic values. Default: false
  • enabled: Determines if the component is enabled or disabled when displayed. If disabled, the user cannot use the component. Default: true
  • help: Determines the help text, that is displayed if the user mouses over the help button. If not specified, the help button won’t be displayed either.
  • helpIcon: This determines the icon of the help button. Default: Icon.QUESTION (a question mark)
  • description: The text specified here will be displayed under the editor component, as a description. If not specified, no description will be used.
  • tabIndex: The value specified here will be used as the component’s tab index. This determines the order of the editor components when the user presses the tab key. By default, this is the same as the column order
  • multiple: Determines if the component is in multi-select mode. By default, it is set to false, the component allows only a single file to be uploaded at a time. If set to true, the component will be in multi-select mode, and multiple files can be uploaded simultaneously.
  • draggable: Determines if the drag & drop functionality is enabled. If true, the user can drop a file onto the component, and it will be uploaded. By default, this is false, and this functionality is disabled.
  • fileStoreName: Determines where the uploaded files will be stored when saving the record. This parameter is mandatory, the file store must be specified here, using its name.


The DualListBox editor type displays a DualListBox component. The editor will process the following column parameters:

  • placeholder: The text specified here will be used as the placeholder text
  • size: Specifies the size of the editor component. Default: FormItemSize.NORMAL
  • state: Specifies the state of the editor component on the interface. Default: FormItemState.DEFAULT
  • defaultValue: Specifies the default value of the editor
  • readOnly: Determines if the editor component is read-only when displayed. It only accepts logic values. Default: false
  • enabled: Determines if the component is enabled or disabled when displayed. If disabled, the user cannot use the component. Default: true
  • help: Determines the help text, that is displayed if the user mouses over the help button. If not specified, the help button won’t be displayed either.
  • helpIcon: This determines the icon of the help button. Default: Icon.QUESTION (a question mark)
  • description: The text specified here will be displayed under the editor component, as a description. If not specified, no description will be used.
  • tabIndex: The value specified here will be used as the component’s tab index. This determines the order of the editor components when the user presses the tab key. By default, this is the same as the column order
  • dataDescriptor: The name of the , or must be assigned to the component programmatically. When specified, the component will query the values automatically from the database.
  • dataColumn: The name of the DataDescriptor column which will be used to store values can be specified here. Meaning that the values here will be used as the component values. These will be applied to the database when saving as well. The column, specified here, must exist in the DataDescriptor, which was specified in the DataDescriptor parameter.
  • displayColumn: The DataDescriptor column specified in this parameter contains the display values that will be used by the component. Multiple columns can be specified here, if you separate the column names with commas (e.g Display1, Display2, etc.). These values will be used, in the same order as in the columns.
  • displayColumnSeparator: The display column separator can be specified here. This is used, when multiple display columns are specified and are used on the interface. By default, this is an empty string, so the display values will be right next to each other.
  • criteria: A filter criteria that will be applied when the radio button values are queried can be specified here. By default, there is none applied, so every value is used in the component. If a Criteria is specified, only values that meet this criteria are used as values in the component.
  • autoFetch: Determines if the component has auto fetch enabled or not. If false, the component won’t query the values, the programmer must implement it using the fetchData() method of the component.
  • multiValueJoinTable: This is where the one-to-many join table name can be specified. The name of the table must be specified as it appears in the database, as the many-to-many relation is independent of the JPA. The data table specified here does not require its own entity to be created.
  • multiValueRecordColumn: This parameter can be used to connect our record to be saved and the switch table. In case the switch table is to be linked using the primary key or keys specified in the record to be saved, the name of the switch column in the switch table must be specified in the parameter in the format in the table. If the record you want to save has a composite key, you must specify a field in the switch table, separated by commas, for each key field. If the record that is to be saved and the join table are not connected using the record’s primary key, then this must be implemented here. This is done by specifying the column from the join table, then putting a ’=’ character, then the name of the record attribute whose value is to be inserted into the column (column=recordAttribute). Multiple can be specified here as well, separating them with a comma.
  • multiValueValueColumn: The join table column specified here will be used to store the component value. If multiple values are selected by the user, then multiple values will be saved to the join table. If the user deletes a value from the component, then the corresponding record will be deleted from the join table. The name of the column must be specified, as it appears in the database.
  • multiValueExtendValues: If you want to store additional data in the join table, use this parameter. If the data that you want to save is a static value, it can be saved by specifying the name of the join table column, where it is to be saved, then placing a ’=’, then the value (column=123 or column=ABC). If the value you want to save is not static, you can use the attribute of the record that you wish to save, like this: ’column=${recordAttribute}. In this case, the value of the recordAttribute will be saved to the column.


The SelectorItem editor type displays a SelectorItem component. The editor will process the following column parameters:

  • placeholder: The text specified here will be used as the placeholder text
  • size: Specifies the size of the editor component. Default: FormItemSize.NORMAL
  • state: Specifies the state of the editor component on the interface. Default: FormItemState.DEFAULT
  • defaultValue: Specifies the default value of the editor
  • readOnly: Determines if the editor component is read-only when displayed. It only accepts logic values. Default: false
  • enabled: Determines if the component is enabled or disabled when displayed. If disabled, the user cannot use the component. Default: true
  • help: Determines the help text, that is displayed if the user mouses over the help button. If not specified, the help button won’t be displayed either.
  • helpIcon: This determines the icon of the help button. Default: Icon.QUESTION (a question mark)
  • description: The text specified here will be displayed under the editor component, as a description. If not specified, no description will be used.
  • tabIndex: The value specified here will be used as the component’s tab index. This determines the order of the editor components when the user presses the tab key. By default, this is the same as the column order
  • selectorClass: The name of the class containing the custom implementation of the selector window, used by the selector item. The class name must be full. If not specified, the default window will be used.
  • dataDescriptor: The name of the , or must be assigned to the component programmatically. When specified, the component will query the values automatically from the database.
  • dataColumn: The name of the DataDescriptor column which will be used to store values can be specified here. Meaning that the values here will be used as the component values. These will be applied to the database when saving as well. The column, specified here, must exist in the DataDescriptor, which was specified in the DataDescriptor parameter.
  • displayColumn: The DataDescriptor column specified in this parameter contains the display values that will be used by the component. Multiple columns can be specified here, if you separate the column names with commas (e.g Display1, Display2, etc.). These values will be used, in the same order as in the columns.
  • displayColumnSeparator: The display column separator can be specified here. This is used, when multiple display columns are specified and are used on the interface. By default, this is an empty string, so the display values will be right next to each other.
  • criteria: A filter criteria used to query component values can be specified here. By default, there is none applied, so every value is used in the component. If a Criteria is specified, only values that meet this criteria are used as values in the component.
  • selectorFilterType: Determines what type of filter the user can use on the list grid component, that appears in the selector window. If not specified, the user can use a simple filter .


The StaticText editor type displays a StaticTextItem component. The editor will process the following column parameters:

  • placeholder: The text specified here will be used as the placeholder text
  • size: Specifies the size of the editor component. Default: FormItemSize.NORMAL
  • state: Specifies the state of the editor component on the interface. Default: FormItemState.DEFAULT
  • defaultValue: Specifies the default value of the editor
  • readOnly: Determines if the editor component is read-only when displayed. It only accepts logic values. Default: false
  • enabled: Determines if the component is enabled or disabled when displayed. If disabled, the user cannot use the component. Default: true
  • help: Determines the help text, that is displayed if the user mouses over the help button. If not specified, the help button won’t be displayed either.
  • helpIcon: This determines the icon of the help button. Default: Icon.QUESTION (a question mark)
  • description: The text specified here will be displayed under the editor component, as a description. If not specified, no description will be used.


The SwitchItem editor type displays a SwitchItem . The editor will process the following column parameters:

  • placeholder: The text specified here will be used as the placeholder text
  • size: Specifies the size of the editor component. Default: FormItemSize.NORMAL
  • state: Specifies the state of the editor component on the interface. Default: FormItemState.DEFAULT
  • defaultValue: Specifies the default value of the editor
  • readOnly: Determines if the editor component is read-only when displayed. It only accepts logic values. Default: false
  • enabled: Determines if the component is enabled or disabled when displayed. If disabled, the user cannot use the component. Default: true
  • help: Determines the help text, that is displayed if the user mouses over the help button. If not specified, the help button won’t be displayed either.
  • helpIcon: This determines the icon of the help button. Default: Icon.QUESTION (a question mark)
  • description: The text specified here will be displayed under the editor component, as a description. If not specified, no description will be used.
  • tabIndex: The value specified here will be used as the component’s tab index. This determines the order of the editor components when the user presses the tab key. By default, this is the same as the column order


The HiddenItem editor type displays a HiddenItem component. The HiddenItem component will be placed in the DOM, but it won’t appear on the interface. This component only processes the defaultValue