Using The Map With A Datadescriptor
Other map settings include the map click handler. A map click handler helps you get the properties of a map click event. Use it, for example, to get the coordinates of the map click. Adding a map click handler:
Other map settings include:
- box zoom: select a rectangle with the mouse cursor and zoom into that rectangle,
- automatically close popups on mouse click,
- double click zoom: zooms in one increment more upon a double click,
- fly to coordinates: the map "flies" to the specified coordinates,
- height: sets the map height,
- layer click: sets a click handler for the map layers,
- layer visibility: show/hide layers,
- layer mouse over event: the onMouseOver event occurs when the user drags the mouse cursor over the layer,
- layer mouse out event: the onMouseOut event occurs when the user drags the mouse cursor from the layer,
- layer style: sets the layer style,
- layer group style: sets the style of the enclosed layers,
- zoom min/max values,
- scale visibility: shows the map scale,
- disable/enable scrolling zoom,
- layer tooltips: set a tooltip for each layer,
- layer popups: set a popup for each layer,
- map border: set border and shadow visibility,
- map title: set title visibility, position, style,
- zoom animation: enable/disable zoom animation,
- zoom controls: set visibility for zoom in/zoom out buttons, change button text, button tooltip,
- zoom delta: the zoom delta determines the increase/decrease of the zoom level,
- zoom snap: determines the nearest integer number the zoom level "snaps" to,
- DataDescriptor layer groups: add any of the below three renderers to the layer groups based on a DataDescriptor,
- popup point renderer: sets custom contents for every popup point based on the layer records,
- DivPoint renderer: sets custom contents for every DivPoint based on the layer records,
- popup renderer: sets custom contents for every popup based on the layer records.