JBStrap LDAP DataDescriptor

Use the LDAP DataDescriptor to describe LDAP objects, such as leaf nodes with a distinguished name and attributes. LDAP DataDescriptors use the LDAP DAO layer to access data and allow you to read the data stored in the LDAP server. The LDAP DAO does not support updating data on the LDAP server.

Creating a simple LDAP DataDescriptor with an XML structure:

Programmatically creating an LDAP DataDescriptor that corresponds to the above XML:

When building an LDAP connection, you can specify the default search path and search scope. By default, searches take place in the entire tree using a subtree scope.

The LDAP DataDescriptor does not support all sorts of data manipulation, it only allows you to read data from a specified LDAP server.

Fetching all objects from the LDAP server using the data descriptor:

Fetching all objects corresponding to the given criteria from the LDAP server using the data descriptor:

Fetching a object using its ID: