Integeritem Formitem component

Input field used to enter integers. The component prompts the user to enter an integer. The component displays an input field on the interface where the user enters only numeric characters. A plus and a minus icon are also displayed in order for the user to increment/decrement the component’s value.

A minimum and a maximum value can also be set for the component. In this case the user is only allowed to enter a value into the component within the specified range and the step of incrementing/decrementing the value is set.

The integer item component is a form item which means the component can be placed on the Form component and the form fully supports its functionality. The component is also suitable for standalone use, but in this case its values and events must be handled from code.

Supported events:

Show, Hide, Change, Focus, Animations, ,Edit,Click, KeyboardEvents, MouseEvents,Touch, HotKey, Drag&Drop

Style customization

This component does not have specific variables to use for style customization. However, you can use custom style classes and Bootstrap variables to change the appearance of this component.

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